Ship In A Flash

Let us help you ship your packages with ease

  • We ship all over North America, Europe, Asia & SA
    We ship to over 100+ cities worldwide.
  • Our Shipping Partners
    Partnering with the best - Purolator, FedEx, and UPS.
  • Fulfilments
    Send us a list of mailing addresses to fulfill into pre-paid labels.

Contact Us

Save Time

Compare rates, select carriers, and print shipping labels in minutes. We also offer free pick-ups - wait in the comfort of your own home or office. We also help you broker the package with customs.

Save Money

Save money with our volume discount shipping rates, whether it's 1 package or more.

Response Time

Our representatives will respond to any logistic inquiries within 24 hours. If you need immediate help, please give us a call.


Our online interface is easy to use. Do everything in one place. All pre-paid shipping labels come with free insurance (up to $100) with swift passages through depots.

We're Here to Help.

Our customer support includes live chat, email and phone support for all merchants and clients.

Ship in a Flash is an independent logistics company; a source for your shipping requirements. We currently offer services to people in North America, and worldwide (please email us for overseas shipping). Our company aims to make the shipping process a lot easier and cost-effective for our customers and clients. Therefore, we have intently developed a web-based system that easily assists our customers with their shipping needs. Our system enables customers to easily compare rates from different couriers, book and track shipments, and print shipping documents online. Shipping made easy!

Need to send a shipment now?

We're here to help! Give us a call if you have a package ready to be shipped domestically or internationally. Call us at 289-625-5531 or send us an email.


Best international rates.


We take all the guesswork out of customs forms.


State of the art tracking from start to delivery.


We ship over 6000+ pks annually.


Hundred of happy clients nationwide.


Proven result with our couriers.

Label Request

Please fill out the following form, and we will get back to you with a shipping quote within 24 hours.


How To Use The Ship in a Flash (SIAF) Interface

How To Use The Estimate Tool

Our Partners

Take advantage of our volume discounts to both domestic and international locations, and save!